A specialist SEN school for secondary aged boys with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs

LWS Post-half term update

Well we have come to end of the most strangest of half terms in the schools history. Teachers and support staff have moved from traditional teaching to using online platforms and delivering food parcels to families. We have had no Year 11 exams or study leave. We have started to work with our new families for Year 7 but again this will look very different to all previous years.
As we plan for our re-connection with students it is essential that we are concentrating on key areas of government guidance which includes social distancing and on-site safety including cleaning. This guidance will impact on the amount of students we can have in school at any one time.  The school looks very different than before COVID-19 and our letter will confirm all arrangements regarding “What school looks like?” which we help to send to you soon. This will help prepare you and your son for the future.
Unfortunately, we have not yet had our transport requests approved from Hampshire County Council. As you will appreciate, this needs to be in place before sending out any further details to parents and to allow time for us to consult with you regarding any concerns/ questions that you might have.
As soon as we receive further updates from HCC Transport will be in touch.
We all hope you have a relaxing and sunny half term break
The LWS Team

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Contact Info
  • King's Academy Lord Wilson, Montefiore Drive, Sarisbury Green, Southampton, SO31 7NL
  • 01489 582684
  • enquiries@lws.gfmat.org

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