A specialist SEN school for secondary aged boys with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs

Notice for all Year 11 Parents

This is clearly an unprecedented and challenging situation.  We fully appreciate that conversations with Year 11 students are going to be particularly challenging today.  You are not on your own and we will take on this challenge together.
The key messages for learners who are anxious about exams is:
1)  “Recognition”: The government has promised clearly that all students in Y11 will receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work, and qualifications will be awarded.
2) “Progression”: It is important that no students should ‘pause their ambitions’ to progress to college or alternative placements next year. Schools and universities will adjust, and work off the new system that is in place.
3) “Fairness & Appeals”: As students will not have the ability to sit an exam, and qualifications will be awarded via some other mechanism, the government was clear that this will be done fairly and that parents and students will be able to appeal this, if they feel the eventual award has not been fair.
We will be in touch over the coming days to discuss any further announcements and subsequent decision made.
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Contact Info
  • LWS Academy, Montefiore Drive, Sarisbury Green, Southampton, SO31 7NL
  • 01489 582684
  • enquiries@lws.gfmat.org

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